Railroad construction workers play a vital role in expanding the railway systems allowing citizens to access affordable travel to multiple areas. Railway construction requires the regular use of tools such as hammers and pickaxes in addition to heavy-duty machinery. If a worker should drop any of these heavy tools on their feet, they can suffer broken bones that will prevent them from working for up to several weeks. Additionally, constantly bending and lifting can expose workers to severe muscle aches that can require surgery.
If a worker gets injured while working for your company, you can cover their medical expenses using a Worker’s Compensation policy. It also covers employees’ wages while they are recovering and are unable to work.
UnderWrite Insurance Services was established to help railroad construction businesses insure and protect their employees with the best workers’ compensation insurance on the market. Submit an application below or give us a call at 201-580-6806 for a free quote.
Working with the top insurance carriers, we only provide A-rated coverage.
– Our workers’ compensation coverage covers the cost of care – such as the ambulance ride, hospital stays, surgical procedures, medications, and other medical expenses.
– Pays for the wages lost while an employee is recovering from a workplace injury or occupational illness.
– Death benefits such as funeral expenses and help support the deceased individual’s family.
UnderWrite Insurance Services only works with A-rated workers’ compensation insurance carriers. With our strong partnerships, we are able to provide the best rates and tailored coverage for your business. Additional benefits we provide are (not limited):
– Various limit coverage ranging from state statutory requirements to ten million dollars in coverage
– Same-day certificate of insurance
– Twenty-hour policy endorsements
The reason you are purchasing workers’ compensation insurance is to take care of your employees and business (from financial loss). When a claim transpires, our customer services team will work swiftly in getting the claim processed, so that your employee(s) can obtain the proper care they need.